Hammy Jr Gallery

Explore captivating images and videos of Hammy Jr and friends.

A close-up view of a coin-like token that has the number 50 prominently displayed in the center with a burger illustration. The words '1 BIG MAC' and various other texts in multiple languages can be seen around the edges. The token has a metallic sheen, and it is resting on a dark textured surface.
A close-up view of a coin-like token that has the number 50 prominently displayed in the center with a burger illustration. The words '1 BIG MAC' and various other texts in multiple languages can be seen around the edges. The token has a metallic sheen, and it is resting on a dark textured surface.

Hammy Jr

Explore the whimsical world of Hammy Jr and his adventures.


Discover the fun behind Hammy Jr's unique meme coin.

Video Game

Play the exciting embedded game featuring Hammy Jr's journey.